Age-related changes in vision

A timely visit to an ophthalmologist/optometrist and diagnostics of pathologies of the organs of vision at an initial stage of development makes it possible to maintain eye health for long. Advanced forms of the disease are more difficult to treat, and some, over time, without timely therapy, can lead to a sharp irreversible deterioration in vision.

Let's know more about the main age-related changes in vision.


It is also known as "age-related farsightedness," which is caused by natural changes in the body. With the development of presbyopia, a person begins to experience difficulties with near vision.

Macular degeneration

With this disease, photoreceptors begin to degrade in the retina's center- this is a "dry" form of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration occurs after 50 years and affects both eyes at the same time. The risk of developing the disease is high if the patient is overweight, has atherosclerosis, or has hypertension.

Diabetic retinopathy

The cause of retinal damage in this disease is diabetes mellitus. Retinopathy develops 3-5 years after the onset of diabetes. On the contrary, having discovered a retinal lesion, the ophthalmologist/optometrist directs the patient to an endocrinologist diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Age-related macular degeneration

Or macular degeneration also ranks high in the ranking of the most common eye pathologies in older people. The degeneration of the macula into connective tissue leads to a loss of the ability to color and clear visual perception. There are several versions of why macular degeneration begins: a lack of minerals and vitamins, poor circulation, a diet high in saturated fats. Unfortunately, at present, neither medication nor surgical treatment gives good results.                                                                                                             


Glaucoma provokes increased intraocular pressure, which occurs due to a violation of the circulation of intraocular fluid. Normally, the liquid washes and nourishes the lens, but they begin to accumulate and press on it if the circulation is disturbed. The lens transmits pressure to the vitreous humor and it - to the optic nerve, resulting in which the nerve cells gradually die off.

Age-related vision changes are an inevitable process. It is essential to seek the help of an optometrist in Georgetown, Ontario, already at the first symptoms - this will allow you to react to changes in time, choose the optimal correction or treatment, and control the development of disorders.

 Make an appointment for an eye exam in Georgetown, Ontario, to assess visual acuity, visual fields, and general eye condition. This can be done by visiting our website. Take care of your eyesight!


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