
Here's why you should consider visiting an eye examinations store in Bolton regularly:

  You  might know someone who still wears huge spectacles from the 1980s. You can tell they're hopelessly out of style unless they're going for a throwback vibe, but that's the least of their troubles. If they're still using the same glasses they acquired a generation ago, they might be jeopardizing their vision. Adult patients should have their eyes examined every two or three years at a professional Bolton vision care store, and those over 40 should have their eyes examined even more frequently. These evaluations have a wide range of benefits for all patients, from young children to the elderly. The importance of having your vision corrected in your daily life cannot be overstated. Eyesight might degrade so slowly that you don't realize it until you're having trouble with ordinary tasks, causing you to miss out on a variety of fun activities. The first thing an optometrist at a professional eye examinations store in Bolton will do when you come in for a ful...

Age-related changes in vision

A timely visit to an ophthalmologist/optometrist and diagnostics of pathologies of the organs of vision at an initial stage of development makes it possible to maintain eye health for long. Advanced forms of the disease are more difficult to treat, and some, over time, without timely therapy, can lead to a sharp irreversible deterioration in vision. Let's know more about the main age-related changes in vision. Presbyopia It is also known as "age-related farsightedness," which is caused by natural changes in the body. With the development of presbyopia, a person begins to experience difficulties with near vision. Macular degeneration With this disease, photoreceptors begin to degrade in the retina's center- this is a "dry" form of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration occurs after 50 years and affects both eyes at the same time. The risk of developing the disease is high if the patient is overweight, has atherosclerosis, or has hypertension. ...